Research 🔥 #4 Overall!
April 17, 2024/
NEW 4/15 Troy Research National: #4 OVERALL
#4 OVERALL with Women 25-54 3.99 score and 96% familiarity.
#3 with Women 45-54 with a 4.07 score
NEW 4/15 SongScore Research: #4 OVERALL
#4 Overall testing 4.33 score with All People 12+
4.23 score with Women 25-54
4.19 All People 25-54
61.26% Momentum
The new Momentum score on SongScore = is particularly useful for newer songs, as it is a formula that takes into account positive like scores, play-it-more scores, low burn and overall rating scores without sacrificing familiarity. Relative to mean, you can find which songs carry the most passion for the surveyed audience. A song with 60% or more Momentum score has proven over time to be a research “hit” in future surveys.