Sometimes, we have to teach.
Storytelling is a HUGE part of the way we work at 55 Promotion. In the case of Forrest Frank, we have one of the biggest streaming songs in all of Christian music from one of the top 5 artists in the entire genre as far as audience on the streaming platforms and social platforms. At radio, the song “Good Day” is heading into the top 5 on the Mediabase and Billboard charts. In radio research, the song is CRUSHING every possible metric. Forrest has the #3 overall song on the list within Troy Research right now with a 3.97 score W25-54. It’s #2 Troy Research for demo W35-44 with a 4.06 score and it even has a 3.93 with W45-54.
YET, sometimes we still have radio stations who are concerned about the mission value of songs regardless of the data. There are a few stations who haven’t added this to their playlist. Here’s the thing, Forrest Frank is a twenty-something artist with a SMASH of a song that connects deeply with people every time they hear it. However, sometimes song lyrics written by twenty-somethings need to be interpreted. So I thought I’d share this as it’s yet another way we’re tasked with going above and beyond the call of duty over here. Still believing these last few stations will join us and that would turn our good day into something great!
Creation declares the glory of God. Perspective on life…whatever comes your way, the sun is shining and God is aware of you.
I’m ’bout to have a good day (Good day)
No matter what they say (What they say)
The sun is shining down on me
Birds are singing praise
This is in the chorus and is the part of the song that makes it SO impactful:
The God who made the universe
Knows me by my name
So it’s a good day
Being grateful for what you have. Living in the present. When you were at your lowest, God brought you back, stood you up…look at what He does.
Baby in my arms walking through the neighborhood
Living in the present, not woulda, shoulda or could
I remember back when I was low as a rug
Now I’m standing up, look at what my Father does
God is faithful. He redeems and restores. He turns things around. We can have confidence in Him.
Turning old things new, grey skies blue
Hear the church saying “Won’t He do it”
God is looking out for us. He’s always our defender no matter what comes out way.
I know He’s got my back
That’s why I’m singing that
It’s a good day because of God’s faithfulness…it’s great because His timing is perfect. He is sovereign…always right on time. He gives us all we need and always at the time we need it. AND He does not withhold His love from us.
It’s a good day, mm, no, it’s great
Everything I prayed for didn’t come in late
I got all I need and I didn’t have to wait
Ask me if You love me, You didn’t hesitate