Erik Nieder

People Of God (Rise Up)

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The Song Story

People of God – Devotional

John 3:16-17, Romans 12:4-5, Hebrews 10:24-25

I’ve had the miraculous and unique opportunity of growing up in the church my whole life. I was raised by parents that are in ministry and have a genuine love for the Lord and for others. And the older I get, the more I realize how rare that really is. It is such a blessing that I pray for my kids, that their testimony would be similar to mine. The church, full of all her beauty, scars, and imperfections, has been such a gift. It’s been hard, but its been so good.

But amidst growing up, and serving in, the church, I, like so many others, have often questioned how we go about doing things. Is this really how we were meant to be defined? Large stages, Sunday morning gatherings, week night smaller gatherings, big buildings, loud music, attention grabbing sermons, etc. Then Covid hit, and for a season, so many of us could not gather face to face. And I think it changed everything.

Why? Because we were forced to longer “go” to church, but rather to “be” the church. We opened up our homes again. We called members of our community to check on them. We shared with those in need. We prayed for each other. We cared for the sick. We got to know our neighbors again. We didn’t go to church, we were the church. And I think in a season of quarantine, at least my little faith community, looked a little bit more like the early church in Acts 2 than we did before —

“And they began selling their property and possessions and were sharing them with all, as anyone might have need. Day by day continuing with one mind in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they were taking their meals together with gladness and sincerity of heart, praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord was adding to their number day by day those who were being saved.” -Acts 2:45-47
So whether your church seats thousands, or you’re a part-time pastor setting out and picking up a few chairs in your local YMCA every Sunday morning, the goal is the same — To tell of and live out the Gospel. To go and make disciples. And the longer I’m in it, the more I’m convinced the former is no greater than the latter. The big is no better than the small, and vice versa. The Lord is pleased with and uses them both.

Hebrews 10:24-25 command us to “consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.”
Just as the church did in Acts 2, and just as we were forced to do in early 2020 amidst a global pandemic, let’s rise up. Let’s be the church. Let’s share not only the Gospel of God, but our lives as well (1 Thessalonians 2:8).

About the Artist

Erik Nieder

Hey guys, Erik here!One of my greatest joys is seeing the Lord use songs to challenge and encourage hearts for His glory. I was thirteen years old when I wrote my first song. Little did I know, that was the beginning of a journey that I pray will be a part of my story till the Lord calls me home.
I am a firm believer that the power of a melody, coupled with the truth of the Gospel, is a force that can be used to change the world. To be honest, it’s not the music that excites me the most. I love the music, but what fuels my soul is the relationship that the music brings. And more importantly, the purpose behind the songs that we sing.
How cool is it to think that in the eighteenth century a slave trader, captivated by God’s forgiveness and redemption, penned the words to a song that we still sing to this day? A song that would become one of the most well versed and impactful choruses in history. I’m talking about John Newton’s song Amazing Grace. If you don’t know Newton’s story, spend a few minutes and google it. His testimony exemplifies the power of music. A power that, when coupled with the Word of God, has endless possibilities. And the fact that hundreds of years later we still turn to Newton’s wisdom, in times of trial and in times of triumph, is proof that a song really can change the world.
So when people ask me, “Why music? Why songwriting?” Well, that’s why. Because nothing can perform soul surgery quite like a song can. And no one can heal a heart quite like Jesus can.

Erik has led worship in the past at Pine Cove Christian Camps, Aggie Baptist Student Ministry (Texas A&M) and at Watermark Community Church in Dallas. He spends his summers leading worship at Kanakuk Kamps in Branson, Missouri. His songs have been streamed more than 43M times and his first radio single, “Faithful” has already been receiving significant airplay on Air1 radio network since November ‘21. It spent 19 weeks on the Billboard Christian Airplay chart. His songs are listened to by more than 1.2 MILLION people every month across all DSPs.

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The Lyrics

We are the children of promise, We are the people of God
The spirit alive in us, His spirit alive in us
We carry the light in the darkness, We carry the truth of the cross
Nothing can stand against, Nothing can stand against
Let the people of god rise up, rise up
Every daughter and son rise up, rise up
Join in the anthem, Tell of the risen one
Let the people of God rise up
Rise up
To the broken we speak resurrection, To the hurting and lost we declare
Hope is alive in us, His hope is alive in us
Till the gospel has reached every nation, To the ends of the earth we proclaim
Jesus is Lord of all, Jesus is Lord of all
Let the people of god rise up, rise up
Every daughter and son rise up, rise up
Join in the anthem, Tell of the risen one
Let the people of God rise up
Rise up
Rise up
Rise up
For God so loved the whole wide world
He gave His only son
That all who put their trust in Him
Will find redeeming love
For God so loved the whole wide world
He gave His only son
That all who put their trust in Him
Will find redeeming love
Let the people of god rise up, rise up
Every daughter and son rise up, rise up
Join in the anthem, Tell of the risen one
Let the people of God rise up
Rise up
Rise up
Rise up
Let the people of God rise up

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