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On Social, The Audience Decides

CMB just shared an article from Jason Barrett of Barrett Media on adapting social media strategies given how much everything has changed: ARTICLE

I thought I’d share a response…

Executives have to do a better job of defining their digital strategies. Are you focused on live video audience, total video views, podcast listens or downloads, website/article page views, newsletter open and click rates, app sessions, social media reach or something else?”

What if that “something else” is way more simple for Christian radio? Create content on-mission. Bring value. If you’re measuring numbers in this current era of social media as a way to define success, you’ve already lost. If you create valuable content, you’re going to win. We don’t get to decide what’s valuable content anymore…the audience does. If your content isn’t being seen or shared or engaged with, it’s not valuable to the audience. Also, the audience on social is EVERYONE on the app. Each piece of content you make is design to keep people in that app so it has to be engaging. That’s a tough reality but it’s true right now.

If you look at 20 different Christian radio stations on IG or FB (and the few on TikTok), you’ll likely see the exact same type of content from all of them…Bible verses, inspiration quotes, promotional things, ads, etc. You’ll also notice there is barely any engagement. But if your audience loves your personalities and that’s the reason anyone stays with you in 2024, you should have them become the stars of your social media. Let their personalities shine. Focus on mission. Bring value. Share stories. Be silly. Share music. React to music. Find your niche. Social is where you can be uniquely you. In fact, the more authentic you are and the more genuine you are, the more the audience engages. This is where you throw away your radio coaching and simply be a human being.

If you make a video, take away the mic…it doesn’t need to be in the frame of your video. Don’t share your name or station info…it’s already there in the IG feed…and nobody cares. Don’t drop brand logos in your content. It doesn’t matter. Don’t hope for them to leave the app and listen to your station. Make great content for them, where they are.  So many of you care deeply for your audience and want people to experience and know the message of Jesus. Don’t overthink it. Unleash the people on your team who are most-gifted on camera and let them find their way. Make a lot of things and let the audience decide. If the things aren’t connecting, make better things and different things. Keep adjusting. 

If a random @pastorpaul4jesus can build up half a million TikTok followers by drinking coffee and sharing the truth with the entire app, you can too…if that’s authentically who you are. If you don’t know him, he’s worth following:

Don’t give up.

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